QUB Sexual Health Research

Your Voice Matters.
NIKPA is once again supporting  Queen’s University Belfast Research program, see details below and in the image.
If you or your partner have been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, then researchers at the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Queen’s University Belfast would like to hear about your experiences of sexual health within the context of renal healthcare.
Please share your insights by participating in an interview regardless of sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, or gender.
Your voice matters and is an essential aspect of this research. If you are interested, please contact the QUB research team by emailing
It should be emphasised that participation is voluntary and after a member of the research team has been in touch, you have one week to decide on participation.
Therefore, if you are considering participating send an email to the research team for further information and they are happy to answer any questions that you may have.